Cryptonym Update

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Presenting a notable expansion of the Primary Evidence Collections cryptonym list with over 70 new Central Intelligence Agency cryptonyms, more than 40 general cryptonyms including AMCOB 1 and 3-15, BGMURDER, BGWOEFUL, CAUTERY 1-6, HBTROUT, HTEXOTIC, KUCHAP, KUJAZZ, and dozens more that prior concealed assets, agents, nations, and operational information. Some of the additionally over 20 revealed project and operation cryptonyms are BECRIPPLE, BESMIRCH, BGFIEND, CATOMIC, HARVARD, OBSIDIOUS, OBTUSE, QKDEMON, and several more for your review. 

CIA Security Files update

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Three new CIA Security Files for your review, the first is the file of Cuban anti-Castro exile leader Manuel "Tony" de Varona Loredo, the second regards Mafia leader Meyer Lansky, and the final documents are related to the business group Guy Banister Associates, Inc. Agency Security Files have been added with hundreds of other documents into the Consolidated CIA Files section and can be accessed within its resources.  

CIA Biographic Profiles update

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Three new CIA Biographic Profiles to review, the first was a CIA Operations Officer in Saigon supporting the overthrow of its government, Lucien Emile Conein. Additionally, the files of Howard M. Orr, an Intelligence and Operations Officer, and the file of CIA Intelligence Analyst and Operations Officer James Sauvie Woods that served for two years at Atsugi Airbase in Japan. Each is offered for your inspection. Agency Biographic Profiles have been added with hundreds of other documents to the Consolidated CIA Files section and you can access them within its collected evidence.

CIA Policy and Resource update

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Three new documents, the first is an internal paper on the dangers and benefits of counterintelligence by CIA officer Woodbury Carter. The second is a policy document regarding Covert Security Approvals, such as those used in Agency Project QKENCHANT. The third is the Cuban Mug Book and Key Book Volume One, it contains hundreds of pictures and identities of Cuban nationals observed by the Agency for possible operational and security reasons. Each is offered for your inspection. 

Primary Evidence Collections addition: CIA Historical Structure

An internal view of the historical structure and related leaders of the CIA. Charts and documents offer the organization and primary evidence demonstrating some Agency operations. Included are notable holdings such as JMWAVE, The Domestic Contacts Division, The Photographic Intelligence Center, and the Office of Security.