JFK Lancer NID 2016 Conference Presentation Evidence

Author Carmine Savastano's evidence regarding the subjects he discussed at the JFK Lancer 2016 Conference. For all those who could not attend the conference we invite you to review the newly added Oswald Timeline Myth.   

Myths and Legends in the JFK Case:
Myth 1: The Castro Tapes
Legend 1: Guy Banister had no connection to the CIA
Myth 2: The Walker Allegations
Legend 2: The Rafael Cruz Story
Myth 3: The Oswald Timeline Myth 

The Rumor heard around the World

The Rumor heard around the World

An official touchstone of the Kennedy case has been the repeated allegation that Lee Harvey Oswald fired his Carcano at General Walker and missed. Some contend this demonstrates Oswald's propensity for the subsequent assassination of President Kennedy, and striking at the enemies of Communism. Yet Lee Harvey Oswald was not a Communist.i "Investigation by the Commission has produced no plausible evidence..." that Oswald was connected to the Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, or any other leftist organization...

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