Human Time Bomb: The Violence Within Our Nature

Human Time Bomb: The Violence Within Our Nature

“Human Time Bomb: The Violence Within Our Nature” reviews the past and modern effects of violence within humanity's nature and environment. It dissects our common aggression, propensity for nepotism, and inherent self-interest that guide our decision-making and inspects a combination of factors will overcome some people in a natural desire to judge others and enrich themselves. A marked loss of useful competition in favor of more destructive social conflict that some technology assists has further created a growing detachment among several people. The book seeks to identify some of the connections between all these growing problems and offer some ideas how to counteract them.

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Offered for your review is a recent addition of the Primary Evidence Collections that features new research, evidence, and extensive information about the Cuban General Directorate of Intelligence. It presents the historical structure, leadership, relevant documents, and useful resources to support additional public research.

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Killing the Wrong Revolutionary

Killing the Wrong Revolutionary

During the Cold War the United States government spent tens perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars seeking the death of their greatest perceived communist nemesis in the Western hemisphere, Fidel Castro. He was everything business interests and corporations feared, a formerly rich person who embraced violent populism, nationalization of industry, and overturning the established order of Cuban society for communal doctrine. Years passed and the foretold implosion of the Castro regime failed to materialize due in part to widespread internal popularity and the brutal repression of dissident voices. This left a stark enemy camped just less than one hundred miles from the United States and Cuba began to dominate the imagination of several anti-Communist leaders. Yet what if Fidel Castro was not the true communist influence but instead just the dominant ego of the regime, what if all those failed plots were not just a costly series of failures but failed targeting the right Castro…

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Cuban Relations

Cuban Relations

In the Central Intelligence Agency files regarding Cuba under the Batista regime, Fidel Castro "manages to get himself involved in many things that do not concern him." "Beginning in 1948, the activities of Fidel Castro came to be of increasing concern to the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Government (USG)." Despite the allegations of some officials, no direct link to Communism was established in Castro's history until after hostilities with the United States. "In fact, Agency support for the peaceful transfer of power from Batista to a democratically elected successor and amnesty for Castro and his followers...was proposed in a memorandum from the Inspector General in November 1957...

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Reasonable doubts about Lee Harvey Oswald

Reasonable doubts about Lee Harvey Oswald

How can Lone Gunman theorists accept Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt so easily without regarding all the original facts and evidence? Some do not consider the many official mistakes and breaches of legal procedure and other critical writers appear selective in their criticism. Yet we agree at least that Oswald was involved in a murderous plot, yet the true issue is whether he alone killed President Kennedy...

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