Mythical Specters

Mythical Specters

Perhaps no other alleged criminal rests mired amid such controversy as Lee Harvey Oswald and many facts despite their proven basis in evidence remain contended decades later. Allegations swirl often concealing the verifiable details regarding Oswald and some dismiss all primary evidence in favor of popular speculation. Yet unproven allegations from either side of the case are not compelling and deeper inspection may offer greater clarity...  

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The Calderon Affair

The Calderon Affair

Allusions related to Luisa Calderon in the Kennedy case are still offered by a few as relevant. The incident and accompanying decades of speculation have fueled a feasible myth to develop. Some attached undue importance to unproven allegations that endure of a Communist plot without substantial evidence. The episode, despite its supporters, is what one prominent researcher refers to as a "mountain built out of a molehill"...

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Disturbed Men

Disturbed Men

Regarding possible conspiracy are the unending allegations and terms of derision made by those who oppose ideas that disturb them. Yet in most cases it is just a matter of hyperbolic disagreement, the people debating feasible conspiracy are not insane. Similarly, those undertaking official activities in the vast majority of cases are sane. Some prior undertook operations that were illegal such as the Castro assassination plots. However, all occurred under functioning mental will unimpaired by proven imbalances... 

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The Ghost of Speculations Present

The Ghost of Speculations Present

The integrity of evidentiary contentions is based upon verifiable accuracy and correction of all mistakes. If the claims are repeated but not verified they remain merely unproven assertions.  Yet claims are not compelling, evidence is. Claims, no matter who offers them, require substantial proof. Unbelievable assertions require substantial evidence. Mistakes uncorrected lead to future greater errors...

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Belief and Evidence

Belief and Evidence

In the course of decades, various unproven and doubtful ideas have dominated the discourse of the Kennedy assassination. Often a quick fix to the intractable problems of the case using faulty premises is offered. Instead of providing substantial evidence, theories and speculation dominate such ideas. However, in time the evidence always gains on them and forces greater scrutiny. Higher standards of discourse and evidence are required... 

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Are many Suspicious deaths supported by Evidence?

Are many Suspicious deaths supported by Evidence?

Some claim an expansive list of deaths is related to the Kennedy assassination and this is in addition to the complex plot that often accompanies such claims. Yet would a successful plot include the need to eliminate so many? The nature of a successful assassination is to minimize the amount of people involved and those killed because each additional death beyond a handful would attract notice and opportunity for exposure. Thus, we are left to ponder why so many deaths are necessary for a successful plot?

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The Ghost of Speculations Past

The Ghost of Speculations Past

Official and public commentaries have attempted to fill many evidentiary gaps in the Kennedy assassination. Yet these attempts were not all based on rigorous inquiry and evidence. Perhaps a few sought a place in history, to profit, and generated their biased view of events via their own speculative presumptions. The worst of these possible are those attempting to create ideas of whole cloth with a veneer of actual evidence in attempts to gain credibility...

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Assertions, Feelings, and Evidence

Assertions, Feelings, and Evidence

A review of the "Real Deal" Podcast interview of Greg Burnham with James Fetzer

In the decades since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, some have asserted that multiple versions of important evidence exist. While this is possible in certain instances, serious questions remain without presented evidence and the ability for critical public review. Greg Burnham and James Fetzer discuss at length the asserted existence of an alternate film of the Kennedy assassination. Burnham claims to have viewed the "Other" film and believes it constitutes additional support for conspiracy...

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Another photographic claim that Fails to prove its assertions

Another photographic claim that Fails to prove its assertions

A rebuttal of "An End to Conspiracy? Rare Photo of Lee Harvey Oswald Suggests Why he's guilty" by Gary Mack, Time Magazine

As the curator of the Sixth Floor Museum, Gary Mack holds a role in overseeing exhibits offered for the public. However, Mack's feasible desire to use a photograph to assert improbable associations render his opinions untenable. Mack attributes in my view more importance to this photograph than reasonable. Some who advocate conspiracy have their favorite self-determined important picture. Each hypothesis is championed by unverified claims... 

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The Mexico City Files: Criticism and Advocacy

The Mexico City Files: Criticism and Advocacy

Did Lee Harvey Oswald make every appearance at the Communist aligned Cuban and Soviet Embassy in Mexico City? This long debated question has both inspired new evidentiary findings and generated untenable speculations. However, the speculation appears on both sides of this debate. Some have overlooked all the evidence and others have created unlikely constructs to explain the events. Considering some of the arguments in comparison to the primary evidence may narrow the field...

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While Assassination Conspiracy is feasible, it assigns Oswald some guilt.

While Assassination Conspiracy is feasible, it assigns Oswald some guilt.

A Rebuttal of the Oswald Innocence Campaign Member's Statement and its unproven claims.

The Oswald Innocence Campaign members base a grand claim by interpreting a single photograph and despite the people who have leant their name to such a cause, they lack supporting primary evidence. Seemingly, no room for contrary evidence and considerations is left and unless those who support this idea allow contrary views of evidence, this remains merely speculation. They have attached too much importance upon too little proof...

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Reserve complete judgment and use all the evidence

Reserve complete judgment and use all the evidence

A rebuttal of "JFK believe it or not: Oswald wasn't even a shooter!" by Richard Hooke w/ Dr. James Fetzer

"I have been invited to the Roxie Theater in San Francisco...and explain what Oliver Stone got right and wrong in his monumental film, "JFK". Most of the film is right..." (James Fetzer)
Incorrect, most of the film is speculation, because it is a film. It is not a primary source and it gets more wrong than right, contrary to Fetzer's opinions. This is not a problem because as a dramatization it is fictional, not a documentary. Yet those trying to legitimize its contentions ignore the many unproven claims in the film...

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The Rarity of actual Conspiracy and the Proliferation of Speculation

The Rarity of actual Conspiracy and the Proliferation of Speculation

Vast majorities of conspiracy theories rely on opinion, implication, or speculation and these unverified ideas often aid critical writers and officials who claim that all conspiracy is untenable. The handful of major conspiracies supported by fact and evidence are lost among popular speculation and some may consider it strange a research author would rebut a pro-conspiracy advocate. While I support everyone voicing their ideas about possible conspiracy, the ideas must have some foundation in reason...

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