The Man with Plans

The Man with Plans

The success and failure of various intricate plans developed by the Central Intelligence Agency relied on the oversight of its administrators, the professionalism of its employees, and the control of its assets. In such a high pressure and secretive environment, obsession and imagination can be valuable tools and deadly hindrances if one strays too far afield from the illumination provided by verifiable facts. Unfortunately, secret agendas can allow exception to be made, the bending of policies, and even the most unthinkable has been given voice for its utility with little consideration to blowback.  A frequent underlying lesson regarding many intelligence operations has ever been doing unto others before they do unto you...

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Castro Plots documents update

Castro Plots Phase I Combined.png

Presenting eight additional documents within the 2017 JFK Records files related to the Castro assassination plots.  Among them are two extended lists of those with knowledge of the plots that includes Sidney Gottlieb, Robert Bannerman, Jake Esterline, Edward Gunn, and Cornelius Roosevelt. Also included is related testimony, summaries, and timelines that offer further details and dates of importance for your inspection. #JFK #Castro #assassination #evidence