How The Stories Of These Soviet Cold War Defectors Reveal The Intelligence Abyss pt. 3

How The Stories Of These Soviet Cold War Defectors Reveal The Intelligence Abyss pt. 3

The proverbial intelligence abyss expanded with the revelations of each new defector, exposure of double agents, and fed a growing suspicion of hidden moles within Western clandestine groups. Due to a nearly perfect storm of facts mixed with paranoid speculations a significant expansion in hunting for such agents would commence following the appearance of two final related defectors. As familiar intelligence officers dealt with the latest defectors and longstanding suspicions mounted over the prior years, it was a matter of time before the right defector and claims inspired certain intelligence leaders to adopt the belief that a hidden traitor likely existed within their own group. The 1960s had just begun and before that decade ended several careers, some lives, and multiple intelligence group operations would lay in shambles…

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Wall Street Window Podcast goes "Undercover"

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Join your host Mike Swanson and author C.A.A. Savastano to discuss a spy training film directed by Hollywood notable John Ford and created by the US Office of Strategic Services that provided some necessary guidance to future agents.

The OSS: History and Documents

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Inspecting the foundations of the modern historical American intelligence system and its military origins reveals the influences that created the Office of Strategic Services from which all later intelligence groups would evolve. Additionally noted are some resulting power struggles between civilian and military departments about the policies and future path of American intelligence.