A Brief History of Executive Action

A Brief History of Executive Action

The term Executive Action refers to words in formerly suppressed documents that promote the assassination of enemy leaders. Political assassination by no means is a modern development or a singularly American crime. Many officials had no reason to suspect that formerly private documents would become public knowledge. Despite the clandestine operations, suppression of facts, and verifiable destruction of documents, a substantial body of evidence remains...

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Castro Assassination Plots update

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Two documents are offered for your inspection regarding the Central Intelligence Agency Castro Assassination plots. The first is a list of all with foreknowledge of the plots that includes Warren Commissioner Allen Dulles. This infers that Dulles suppressed relevant information from the Commission. The second document is a brief summary and assembled pages from various internal sources regarding portions of the plots. #JFK #CIA #Assassination

Who was WIROGUE-1?

Who was WIROGUE-1?

Central Intelligence Agency officer William K. Harvey hired assassins with the intention of eliminating adversarial world leaders. The first was Jose Andre Mankel (QJWIN) and other was David Tzitzichvili.i ii Tzitzichvili used the alias David de Panaskhet, and the Agency assigned him the cryptonym WIROGUE-1. He was among those expressly secured for the staging of assassinations...

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Political Assassination and the Unsigned Murder Guide

Political Assassination and the Unsigned Murder Guide

Some deny that past American government leaders considered assassination to complete foreign policy goals. However, these files offer that assassination is part of the business and has been throughout modern American history. Even as we ponder questions about the possible unconstitutional use of drone strikes, some believe the assassination of leaders and citizens is a recent development. These specific plots were born during in the Eisenhower administration...  

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