Intelligence Media Matters

Intelligence Media Matters

Discoveries in the latest and prior releases of the official files are repeatedly evolving our understanding of related historical matters. Yet one thing remains ever the same, the ability of some news media to spotlight aspects of a matter that often distract from the greater questions and instead cast aside the substantial for the salacious. In some cases people directly act as knowing advocates for official agendas and more often a government can utilize a person for their purposes without the subject knowing it occurred. Insightful members of the public should not just question a media personality's ideas, but also the original source of the information they promote…

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The CIA, a Russian defector, and the Communist conspiracy that likely never was

The CIA, a Russian defector, and the Communist conspiracy that likely never was

For decades, the United States government contended there was no Communist or domestic plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. However not all in government agreed, some would allow the repeated breach of law to conceal their involvement for the "implications". While some may enjoy reciting the findings of the President's "Warren" Commission, the following information is intentionally absent. Commission documents are definitely not the complete story...

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