Government Officials Destroying the Evidentiary Record (JFK Assassination Files)

Government Officials Destroying the Evidentiary Record (JFK Assassination Files)

An important responsibility of ethical government agencies is the ability to provide documentary evidence of viable importance for later historical study. To occlude, purposefully withhold files, and even destroy evidence is the antithesis of government transparency and provides reasons to doubt official intentions regarding any matter of controversy. Official concerns about the public reaction to noted violations of law are irrelevant and do not provide a legal reasoning for destroying records. Yet by nineteen sixty-seven the Dallas Police investigation, FBI Investigation, Warren Commission, and Garrison Case had left several questions in the public mind regarding assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It was also during this period that military intelligence was undertaking several illegal programs that further incentivized the need for destroying files…

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How The Stories Of These Soviet Cold War Defectors Reveal The Intelligence Abyss pt. 4

How The Stories Of These Soviet Cold War Defectors Reveal The Intelligence Abyss pt. 4

The endless accusations of moles being present in most of Western intelligence services by Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn was like a supernova but was unseen or heard by most in related intelligence groups. Much like the subsequent events that may follow a supernova, Golitsyn’s mole claims backed with the power of the CIA’s Counterintelligence leadership and staff formed a proverbial black hole. This became another part of the vast intelligence abyss, and its pull on the careers and lives of many people would slowly be felt and most were unable to escape the tendrils of this massive investigation for traitors. As 1961 passed Golitsyn would accurately describe some details of yet unknown betrayers within British intelligence and this information when added to later revelations added to the weight of the mole hunt. Yet this larger hunt for CIA moles was precipitated upon ideas that were unproven and relied largely upon a single defector and his supporters…

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Assign blame where it is verifiably Due

Assign blame where it is verifiably Due

The integrity of any investigation relies on reasonable standards; among these is the honest disclosure of all relevant evidence by leading officials. No matter what inferences are made by such full disclosure, it is their responsibility to offer the most reliable assessment. They must be unrelenting in their pursuit of those suspected and willing to offer every resource in seeking justice. If this is not the case, the investigation is flawed; hidden motivations can prevent its success. No amount of lower standards can be definitive... 

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FBI loyalties in the CIA

FBI loyalties in the CIA

Concealed manipulations within allied organizations have often been attributed to the Central Intelligence Agency alone but such internal power struggles and clandestine motivations are often hidden from the public and most officials. Yet it is the little noted evidentiary connections that might reveal new viable inferences and the longer one gazes upon the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency a realization may occur. In some cases, they are not quite as different as imagined...

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