Ignore the Bias and Seek all the Evidence

Ignore the Bias and Seek all the Evidence

A rebuttal of "The Holy Grail of JFK Conspiracies Will Never Be Found" by John McAdams

Professor John McAdams is a well-known figure of conspiracy criticism and yet he often relies upon grand claims and insults. In the pursuit of discrediting all possible evidence supporting conspiracy, McAdams fails to realize much discrediting the official findings lie within its own evidence. While some conspiracy advocates and critics deal in speculation, insults, and definitive presumptions, none have the definitive evidence to prove these claims. The legal standard of a preponderance of evidence is not legally definitive; it relies upon all necessary evidence offered and it requires specific evidence as the basis for its claims. Unfortunately, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency each suppressed and denied the President's (Warren) Commission evidence and  how could any investigation without important primary evidence succeed or be definitive...

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