New Monographs Update: Problems in Black and White

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The prior contended story of Roscoe White despite its lackluster ideas is still advocated by some and the subject of at least one new book. These ideas are compared to verifiable evidence and the evolving associated claims.

P.O. Box Questions

P.O. Box Questions

Post Office Box 2915 in Dallas Texas is the subject of contentious debate. Its history and various owners have attracted the attention of government informants, employees, and the public for years. Officials contend that evidence implicates its most famous prior owner Lee Harvey Oswald of receiving the alleged murder weapon. Several researchers contend that postal irregularities ranging from a lack of proper stamps, markings, and processing are missing from official exhibits rendering them allegedly unreliable.  If Oswald did verifiably receive the weapons, it supports official contentions. If he did not verifiably receive the alleged rifle and pistol under the alias Alec Hidell, a piece of the case against him falters under the lack of evidence...

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Assertions of Association

Assertions of Association

An enduring yet presently unproven claim is the assertion that Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby knew each other. Magician and ventriloquist Bill DeMar propagated among the first known assertions regarding connections between Oswald and Ruby. The Federal Bureau of Investigation interviewed DeMar and presented a photograph of Oswald, DeMar "said he believes this is the man he saw seated among the patrons of the Carousel Club 'one night last week'. DeMar advises he works seven nights each week and, therefore, is unable from his recollection to determine which particular night of the week he observed Oswald..."i  DeMar's hazy recollections do not make for a compelling start...

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