Miguel was born amongst nineteen thirty-seven in Mantazas City within the nation of Cuba. He was raised and educated in Havana and during fifty-six was among the founding members of the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE) group that opposed both the Batista and Castro regimes. He undertook paramilitary and propaganda operations targeting the Cuban governments and was arrested but later fled to the United States amid nineteen sixty-one. Isalgue possessed valuable relatives in multiple Communist nations including a sister married to a former Cuban Ambassador and one cousin that was a personal aide of Fidel Castro. The DRE’s leaders in exile soon became a largely CIA subsidized group that supported operations targeting Communist groups domestically and internationally. Notable Miami Station case officer Ross Crozier was one of the Agency employees managing the DRE amongst the nineteen sixties.

Amongst the nineteen sixties Isalgue was a team leader and principal agent on behalf of JMWAVE Station in Miami. He was responsible for managing over a dozen black infiltration projects targeting Cuba and varying paramilitary operations. During nineteen sixty-seven Cuban Intelligence (DGI) attempted to recruit Miguel due to his ownership of the Hogarama Discount store and contacts with businesses in multiple nations but he refused. Diaz Isalgue was reassigned to Buenos Aires Station a year later to aid in surveillance planning for targeting local Soviet bases. His operations during the next decade included making a recruitment pitch targeting a Cuban intelligence official.