Calvin was born amidst nineteen twenty-four and and educated in the state of Texas. He enlisted with the United States Army during nineteen forty-three and following his service acquired a degree in Geology. Hicks joined the Central Intelligence Agency amid nineteen fifty and became a staff employee of Western Hemisphere Division (WHD) under military cover. While gathering intelligence abroad during a portion of Agency career he faced imprisonment within China but was later released. Hicks subsequently taught operational courses regarding firearms and paramilitary combat to CIA trainees. By the end of the fifties he was a consultant to corporate Agency components while advising military forces in the Middle East and Asia.

As the next decade began Hicks supported preparations for the Bay of Pigs invasion targeting Cuba. Amongst that decade he also was part of the Task Force W sabotage group led by William K. Harvey targeting Cuba with paramilitary operations. Hicks further became headquarters section chief of the Miami Special Affairs Staff conducting operations with JMWAVE Station. He eventually was reassigned to managing projects related to the Far East, Middle East, and Western Hemisphere divisions. Amidst the nineteen seventies Calvin was under the authority of division chief David Atlee Phillips as part of WHD’s Intelligence Watch. After undertaking a operational career that spanned over two decades Hicks retired during nineteen seventy-five.